鑑於營商環境改變,Mactivity (麥客居) 將於 2024 年 7 月 1 日起結束位於觀塘的實體店,並改以上門服務形式經營, 客人如有各類 Mac 維修及升級需要,歡迎透過以下方式聯絡本公司。Notice of Physical Store Closure
Given the changes in the business environment, Mactivity will be closing its physical store in Kwun Tong as of July 1, 2024, and will instead operate using onsite service model. Customers who require any Mac repair or upgrade services are welcome to contact us through the following methods.項目 Inspection 收費 Service Fees 網上初步諮詢 Online Consultation Fees 免費 Free 上門檢查費用 Onsite Inspection Fees $200~$400 (視乎地區 vary by location) 其它服務費用 Other Services Fees 另行報價 To be quoted 聯絡 Contact WhatsApp (852) 9624-9643 (text-only) Email info@mactivity.com.hk Facebook @johnny.mactivity Website www.mactivity.com.hk IG johnny_mactivity -